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1. The spectator sporting event in the first place will be put into operation if:
have a valid ticket for entry certificate or other entitlement;
is obviously not in alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating agent influence;
holds no alcohol, narcotic drugs, as well as objects that the holding of sports events, as well as personal and property safety of others are endangered or whose possession law on the introduction of a ban on sporting events organizer;
holds no sign of inciting hatred towards others, flag or emblem prohibited by law despotism;
There is no exclusion under Section 73 (1) of Act I of 2004 on sports (hereinafter referred to as the Stv.), no penalty of banning from attending sports events, no administrative ban, or no similar decision by a foreign sports organization, authority, or court under Section 76/A (1) of the Stv.;
Does not exhibit behavior as described in Section 71 (2) of the Stv. ("The organizer is obliged to call upon any participant who endangers the holding of the sports event, or the personal and property safety of others, or exhibits racist, hate-inciting, fear-inducing, or offensive behavior that is not related to fair sportsmanship and cheering, to cease such behavior.").
complying with the safety standards set by the organizers, clothing, and luggage screening will contribute;
not take up - or earlier, and / or current behavior does not imply the conclusion that it will continue - any activity that disrupts the sports event, frustrate or threaten the sport event participants, were arriving or leaving the physical safety or property possessions;
notes that during the sports event video and sound it made​​;
notes that during the sports event, the organizers of the course is constantly monitored compliance with regulations contained.

2. Sporting event, clothing and package screening of police officers involved in the provision of sports and event organizer is entitled.

3. The participant to enter the field of sports facilities through the turnstile only marked the entry tickets and season tickets, invitation, selected route may approach the sector and seats shown on the entrance ticket / rental / invitation can occupy. If the viewer of this condition or other call for the order of the director fails to comply, it refuses access to the facility director. The sports facilities - where it has been the organizer and the director has otherwise - only entry point specified in the ticket to leave.

4. Anyone who unlawfully enters or stays in an area of a sports facility that is closed off from spectators or a designated group of spectators, or who throws an object into this area that endangers the holding of the sports event or the physical safety of others, commits a criminal offense. The organizers shall detain the person committing the offense and hand them over to the police authorities. If you enter anything in this field or throw, commits an offense specified in the group of spectators or viewers isolated area. A person has committed an infringement of the directors withheld and handed over to the police authority.
Who sports events such as the face or obscuring appears in, which is liable to frustrate the person to be identified by the authority or person acting in an official commits an offense.
We call the attention of the viewers XLII in 1999. Protection Act and the use of tobacco products, to comply with certain rules of distribution of the provisions of law relating to non-smokers.

5. The spectator sporting events:
court shall adhere to the provisions of these Regulations, the requirements set out by the organizers, and the instructions of the directors;
may not consume alcohol in the field of sports facilities;
comply with regulations relating to smoking;
not engage in any activity that disrupts the order of the sports event, frustrate or endanger persons participating in sporting events and security of property;
inciting hatred or racist, aggressive, sporty cheerleading the incompatible behavior can not be certified;
not subject to the prohibition sign, banner and flag on the fence, railing or column only place an organizer and the director's permission, with the external advertising, escape routes should not obscure;
the time required for the completion of the sporting event, and the organizer, the organizer or the police to call for the development of personal and property security situation to leave the sports facility;
may not engage in business, current political activities without official permission, in particular the CSSC Sportért Kft. partners independent business activity.

6. If the court described the policy that the viewer does not comply with:
Regulations in violation of the court or at the request of the director of the offending behavior does not stop, the director removes the sports event;
The organizer, and in the case of a sports event organized with the participation of the traveling sports organization, when using an admission control system, is obliged to refuse to sell tickets to the person removed from the sports event and to prevent them from participating in the sports event (hereinafter collectively referred to as exclusion from participation in the sports event). The duration of the exclusion from participation in the sports event cannot be shorter than six months and, in the case of exclusion from all sports events organized by the organizer or with the participation of the traveling sports organization, cannot exceed two years, and in the case of exclusion from a specific sports facility, cannot exceed four years.
The organizer or the traveling sports organization may apply exclusion from participation in the sports event organized by them domestically and in foreign or international events with their participation, against any person who has been removed from a sports event organized by them or with their involvement, or who unlawfully transfers their personalized ticket, season pass, entry permit, or voucher entitling them to receive these items to another person, or who violates the field regulations or the general terms and conditions related to the request for a ticket, season pass, club card, or voucher issued by the organizer or the traveling sports organization. Furthermore, exclusion from participation in the sports event may also be applied to any person who should have been removed under Section 71 (3), but this did not occur because the organizer's (steward's) intervention at the event location would have likely caused spectator actions that would have disproportionately endangered the safety of the sports event.
If a person attempting to enter or participating in a sports event does not meet the conditions set out in Section 73 (1) of the Stv., or does not cease the behavior described in Section 73 (2) following the organizer's warning, entry must be denied, or the person must be removed from the sports event. The organizer shall instruct the person to verify their identity. If the person fails to comply with the instruction, the organizer shall immediately notify the police to verify the identity, unless otherwise provided by law. The organizer may detain the person until the police arrive, but no longer than three hours from the time of notification, provided that the detention occurs within the field of view of an operating video recording device. The provisions of Section 74 (4) and (5) of the Stv. apply appropriately to the handling of recordings made by the video recording device. The organizer is also entitled to detain the person if the detention is necessary for preparing and communicating the decision on the exclusion under Section 73.
The spectator is required to comply with the security regulations set by the organizer and the rules specified in the field regulations. The spectator must not engage in any activity that disrupts or hinders the sports event, or that infringes or endangers the personal rights or property of those participating in, arriving at, or leaving the sports event.
For violations or damages resulting from the breach of the obligations specified in the above paragraph, the spectator is required to pay compensation for harm (compensation fee) and is liable for damages according to the general rules of liability under the Civil Code. If multiple spectators are involved in the breach of the obligations specified in the above paragraph, their liability is joint and several. Liability for damages does not affect the spectator's administrative or criminal liability.
who take up violence directed against the action of committing a crime. The director is the person you want to remove calls to verify your identity. If a disorderly person fails to comply with the notice, the director shall immediately notify the police to the identity. The police arrival, but up to the end of the third hour of the notification of the director, the person to be removed to keep the action recording video recording device;
damages arising from a breach of the Regulations of the Court views the case of injurious viewers more involved in the injury, jointly and severally liable for damages under the general rules of the Civil Code are. The liability does not affect the viewer's offense or criminal liability;
damaging the sport organization for all costs resulting from the tort obligated to pay, given the fact that the Civil Code shall be liable for damages under the general rules,

7. In the crowd at the time of completion of the sports event, and the organizer, the organizer or the police to call for the development of personal and property security situation is bound to leave the sports facility. In case of the formation of personal and property security situation and the way the escape route of escape - according to plan in advance for the CSSC Sportért Kft. - performing on-site police task instructions shall prevail.

8. For the safe conduct of the organizing sports events:
cater to the sports facilities can not be objects defined in the Course Regulations Annex documented receipt, safekeeping and to the holder of the departure of restitution. The safe storage of items taken from storage containers will be solved with the addition of points of entry. If the owner does not claim the prohibited items within one week after the conclusion of the sports event, the organizer or the steward is not obligated to further safeguard these items, and the owner or any other person may not make any financial or non-financial claims against the organizer or the steward thereafter.
eligible for the sports facility is not fit, the event can not be objects (eg. umbrella, deodorant, plastic bottles, glass bottles, tools, food, vehicles, etc..) and other organisms (eg. pets) intake of prohibited, and through this the organizers checked;
In the case of the use of an organizer - director, the organizer - and the representative of the traveling sports organization organized in a competition system not covered by the government decree on the safety of sports events, as well as during a sports event with a normal and increased security risk - at its location, in the public area occupied by fans waiting to enter and the spectators in parking lots designated for - for the personal and property safety of the participants, as well as for the purpose of identifying the perpetrator of the act that violates the pre-defined rules and serves as the basis of the exclusion procedure, against these participants, the Stv. In order to be excluded according to § 73 and to carry out the subsequent further procedures, the authorized person is obliged to take the participants to the locations determined by the police, in the number determined by the police, and the organizer or - if a director is employed - to observe with a camera attached to the director's body, providing quality recording that enables unique identification of the participants - including biometric identification - and recording both image and sound, recording the recording and using it for the purposes specified in this paragraph, as well as the holding of the sports event treated for the following 60 days."
entitled to the scene of the sports event, the access points, public areas and designated parking areas, unique camera, allowing the identification of the participants of the sports facility to observe and record images as managed in accordance with the legislation. The sporting event participants the entry conditions of the control arrangements and remove the possibility of visible outside the sports facility and in the field, with pictograms also updated notices - English, German and foreign guests sporting body language of the country - to inform.

9. The organization linked to the participants' liability insurance.

10. In order to secure the departure of the participants in the police certain categories of sports facilities may deter viewers. If the police are not present at the sports event, the organizer can decide on the detention independently.

11. Detailed specifications for the sports event and the spectators, as well as the safety of other participants are regulated by law.

12. The viewer, who in the relevant legislation and regulations in the field, the CSSC Sportért Kft./Csepel Torna Club interests directly or indirectly, or in violation of, the prediction can be removed in case of violation banned from attending the event in case of punishment prevented, and the paras. According to § 73 can be ruled out by the sports organization.

13. Note that the picture and sound recording facility on! Camera-monitored area!


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